Sunday, July 8, 2012

#10 Blog each of these posts

So this may not seem to be the most interesting or exciting post (in terms of things to do), but #10 Blog each of these posts is the most important for me because it's the culmination of 13 weeks (3 months) of utter incredibleness (FYI: that's not a word, I just made it up).

Over the past thirteen weeks, I've toiled and labored (HA!).  I've spent countless hours (and many dollars, but let's not think about that right now), all for your reading pleasure.

Haha, let's not kid ourselves... I didn't do this for you guys... I did this for me.  And I HAD SO MUCH FUN!!! 

Did I complete everything on my list?  No... (I got really close... I completed 29 out of the 30).  And while working on the 30 things, I learned a lot about myself in the process.  Oh, and did I mention I had a ton of fun?

Now, what surprised me most is that YOU all actually enjoyed the fun right along with me.  I really didn't think anyone was reading my little blog... Or had any interest in my ramblings... but over the past few weeks, I've had so many friends, colleagues, and friend-of-friends mention to me, and to my friends, that they actually read my blog.  And not only do they read it, but they appear to be enjoying it!!!  Imagine that...

So thank you, dear reader, for following my crazy adventures.  Thank you to all my friends who helped along the way.  And thank you to my family for being such big supporters of me, no matter what I do!

With that said, I challenge you... create a list of things that you want to do (fun things, not chores), set a (reasonable) time limit, and then GO OUT and DO THEM.  We all work hard, we all pay bills and have responsibilities, and sometimes we need to force ourselves to have fun, and to remember what's really important.  We should take the time to enjoy this life that we're living, and not be so "busy" (This article sums it up nicely!)

You can start with my list for inspiration, or start from scratch with your own list.  I've already created a list of "30 things to do now that I've turned 30", and I can't wait to get started working on them!  This time, I'm giving myself 12 months to complete them all.  Should I blog about those too?? :)

Just in case you missed any posts, without further ado... the 30 things I did before I turned 30:

  1. Go skydiving
  2. Guest bartend
  3. Get certified in spinning
  4. Spend a day at a spa
  5. Eat at a 3 star Michelin restaurant
  6. Learn to drive stick shift
  7. Bike in the Gran Fondo (NYC)
  8. Run my first 5K in 2 years
  9. Cook 30 new recipes
  10. Blog each of these posts (no link, you're reading it now!)
  11. Travel somewhere on my bucket list
  12. Do 30 hours of community service… or give $10 for each hour un-donated
  13. Take a day and take advantage of NYC
  14. Hang out at the Jersey Shore
  15. Go to Lucky Chen’s
  16. Go on a date… with a fireman!
  17. Try a new food
  18. Hire someone to do something that I don’t like doing…
  19. Host a BBQ and watch the Macys Fourth of July firework show from my roof
  20. Be healthy. 
  21. Get bottle service at a NYC night club and dance the night away
  22. Splurge on something sparkly.
  23. Dress like I’m a (fashionable) 30 year old.
  24. Quit something I do a lot for 30 days.
  25. A picture a day for 30 days
  26. Learn how to poach an egg.
  27. Go visit a psychic and get my cards read!
  28. Complete a  counted cross stitch piece
  29. Read 30 books.
  30. Learn the “Single Ladies” dance. (Did not complete)

Once again... THANK YOU, and Good night :)


  1. Love, love, love that you did this. And you BETTER blog the new list!

    1. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I decided I couldn't stay away... so without further ado... 30 things to do now that I turned 30 :)
