Tara and I crossed the finish line together around 2 hours 17 minutes, and we were both SOOO happy to have finished!!
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So, after the half marathon, I took a few weeks off from running, thinking that would fix the problem. I ran my next race, an easy 5K, on July 14, 2009 in Hoboken. I ran it in my best time ever - 28 minutes - and I felt great, except for the pain in my left shin. At this point, I realized that I couldn't ignore that I might have a problem anymore. So I finally booked an appointment with a doctor, and after several tests (bone density scans, x-rays, radiation, etc.), it was confirmed that I had a stress fracture in my left shin, as well as two stress reactions (would have become fractures had I continued) in my pelvis. Sweet, right?
Not really. The injury meant I had to stop running. And to add insult to injury (ha), not only did I have to stop running, my doc didn't want me doing ANY exercise, and even asked me to limit walking!!! Not walking is impossible in New York. And while this sabbatical from exercise was only supposed to last 6 weeks, it ended up lasting 9 months, as I continued to have pain in my leg. It might have been phantom pain, but still it was pain.
So after 9 months of depression and no exercise, I finally ventured back in to the gym. I was hesitant to start running again, as I didn't want to reinjure myself. I realized that there were bike races that I could train for, so I started biking.
So. That's the long story of why this challenge - #8 - Run my first 5K in 3 years - is personal and daunting. I might be able to bike for 60 miles with no problems, but running 3.1 miles? SCARY. Scarier than watching a horror movie with my brother-in-law. :)
On May 23, 2012, while on vacation in Quito, Ecuador, I decided to run my first 5k. Now, Quito is roughly 10,000 feet above sea level. Which means the air is thinner (i.e. has less oxygen in it), which makes physical activities more challenging for those who are not used to the altitude. So, running a 5K in Quito is more difficult than running a 5K in Hoboken, which is at (and sometimes below!) sea level. Just saying.
So back to the story. Diego, Tara, and I head to Carolina Park, which is a beautiful park right near the family's apartment. Tara (who as you know, is my amazing sister, and who is pregnant with my incredibly talented nephew, who I know is already talented because he high fived me through my sister's belly, at 21 weeks in utero. Told you. Incredibly talented) will be walking. And Diego decided he would run with me, even at my slow 10 mile a minute snails pace. Diego was my personal paparazzi:
Me at Mile 1. Looking good, right? |
Me at Mile 2.5. Only .6 more to go, but man, I'm having a hard time breathing!!! |
And I felt great!! I had Diego snap a victory "I'm strong" picture:
A HUGE thank you to my amazing brother-in-law Diego for running slow with me and taking pictures, and also to my incredible sister, for walking with us. It means the world to me to have such wonderful support, and I really appreciate it. I don't think I could have done it without them =)
My sister and I after my first 5k in 3 years. Isn't my nephew super cute? :) |
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