Not that I wear skimpy clothing anymore, but really, I simply want to look more professional at work. I'm not a "fashionista". I don't work at Vogue, and I don't pay much attention to my outfits. My morning routine is press snooze, press snooze, press snooze, OH CRAP I'M GONNA BE LATE, quick shower, throw on pants, a top, and out the door! Not much time to think about pulling an outfit together. Even more embarrassing, I still have some of the outfits that I wore when I first started working 8 years ago. There's something wrong with that, right? I'm a successful, established professional with years of hard work under her belt. I should start looking like it!
Enter #23 of my challenge. Dress like a (fashionable) 30 year old. Great. I said it. Now what? What the hell does "dressing like a 30 year old" even mean?!?!
Naturally, I turned first to Google! I googled "How to dress like a 30 year old". Let me tell you - NOT MUCH OUT THERE on these topics. I found two articles:
- An article on, which I didn't find particularly helpful, and
- A blog by a 30-year old Mom, which reinforced some of the points on the article, and therefore wasn't extremely helpful either...(sorry blogger... your advice just doesn't fit with what I was looking for, not that you aren't helpful!)
I agree. NOT VERY HELPFUL. (Plus, she bans flip flops, which are a main staple of my commuter wardrobe... sorry again, Charla!) Strike Two. Apparently research is not going to yield answers on what I should be wearing now that I'm 30.
Luckily, I have my friends, and I have Pinterest. Pinterest is an online pinboard where you post images that inspire you. I have boards such as "For my dream home", "Delicious eye candy" (see #16: Go on a date with a fireman ;)), "FOOOOD!", and, of course... "My style".
The "My style" board is not necessarily what I wear today... but more about what I think is gorgeous, and wish I was wearing... and like a lightbulb, it hit me... this is what I should be wearing. Brilliant, right?!? Third times the charm!
Errr maybe not... I own nothing that's on my pinboard! Haha...
But that's OK. Examining My Style board, I've pinned a ton of dresses, items in blues/greens/purples, and a ton of "blingy" items... so clearly I should wear more dresses. And more jewel-tone colors. And more bling ;) (See #22, splurge on something sparkly!!!)
Great! Now, I've got something to work with, and it's time to take inventory. One look at my closet, and it's a mess. Hard to see everything I have. So, I CLEANED OUT MY CLOSET (and organized it). I took the advice of the blogs I found via the Google search, and decided to eliminate the tube tops, mini skirts, and anything with "Juicy!" scrawled on the front (or back...)... and also took this opportunity to eliminate what doesn't fit, what I haven't worn in at least a year, and what I've never worn even though it may still have tags on it (DA$N DRUNK INTERNET SHOPPING!) It was hard letting go... and I didn't let go of everything... but I did let go of a LOT of items, which is good progress.
One of the blogs recommended I wear pencil skirts, and that just doesn't work for me (they're super cute, but don't flatter my figure). The benefit of being (almost) 30 is that you've had years to figure out what does work for you...
- Wrap dresses and A-line skirts
- "Royal" jewel colors in ruby, emerald, sapphire and amethyst
- Jewelry for the "bling" effect
- Staples: skinny jeans, riding boots, black and white tees/tanks, black/navy/grey suits
So the end result of taking on this challenge: I figured out that you need to find what works for you, and not what you think you should be wearing (or what some blogger tells you you should be wearing). I did add a few items to my wardrobe that reflect my likes: a few dresses, jeweled colored items, and staples (hello new work suit!). Before I go to bed, I'm putting together my outfits, including accessories... that way even if I press snooze a million times, I'll still be able to look like I spent time to pull myself together.
As always... I welcome your comments...What do you think? For those of you who see me in work clothes, have you noticed a difference? =) Any recommendations on what else I should be wearing?
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