See... I like bars. A lot. I spend a lot of time in them. You know, just sitting there, minding my own business. So when I learned that I, a non-experienced regular non-bartender, could be a guest bartender, well... Thank you,
Public House NYC, for giving me the opportunity to be on the other side of the wooden slab. It was SO FREAKING COOL. I had one of the best nights ever. And, I completed one of my challenges - #2 Guest bartend. I want to do it again. Every week ;)
Just to prove that I did this at a real establishment, I took a picture of the outside. Public House is a few blocks from Grand Central, so it's perfect for commuters wanting a happy hour environment before they head home:
So, how did I get this opportunity? My girlfriend Hannah from work. One day we were having lunch and she mentioned that she had recently guest bartended and had so much fun. The rest is history!
On the day of the event, Hannah and I walk in for our 6pm shift. We head over to the bar, and get ushered behind it so that Rob, super nice and the coordinator of the guest bartender "program", could give us a crash course in bar tending. It's overwhelming. He tells us how to work the two different registers, what the 4 different happy hour specials are (what the times are, the costs of the various drinks, the different wrist band colors), how the order of liquor bottles in the "well" drinks section is set up (from left to right you have vodka, rum, tequila, whiskey, head spinning), how to pour a beer (HA I knew that already ;) ), and how to "open" a check... by 6:05, I'm offering customers refills on their beer. I'm slightly overwhelmed and nervous about what the night will hold, but baby I'm faking it til I make it.
Rob gives Hannah and me the corner space in the "L" shaped bar, which is beneficial because it limits the traffic to our area... perfect for just starting out! We even had a dedicated bar back dedicated, Angel, who he kept pouring us mystery shots...
Over the course of the 3 hour shift, several groups of friends show up in support. My friend Fran challenges me to make a vodka martini... and I sucked at it. Lesson learned - a little Vermouth means a teensy splash of Vermouth. =) I also get to close out a check, and use one of the little black padfolios to make it look official!
When the shift ended at 9, I wanted to keep going. I wanted more clients so I was busier and able to pour more drinks. But, alas, all good things come to an end, and so I joined my friends back on the "other side":
I had SO MUCH FUN. I felt in my element, running around like crazy, pouring drafts, making change, collecting tips, smiling and flirting with clients... It was different being on the other side and observing the groups of friends have conversations that I wasn't part of... typically I'm the one waiting (im)patiently for a refill or figuring out how much tip to leave. On the other side, I was just looking for someone to serve another beer to, or to smile and flirt with, and was grateful when a few dollars were left behind.
A HUGE thank you to Kim, Leif, Justin E, Peter and friend, Maggie and friend, Katrin, Shaina, JamesJ, Eric "Biebs", Fran, and Justin R for coming out to support me!!!! You guys gave incredible tips, and were also nice to me when you wanted a Manhattan and I begged you to take a Makers Mark and ginger instead. :)
To put the icing on the cake, I found out that I actually get a share in the tips.... below is a pic... Not too bad for a newbie, eh? :)