Sunday, March 25, 2012

The challenge.

Apparently I'm not normal, but... I'm actually excited about turning 30.  

I've been thinking about how to celebrate for over a year. The initial thought was a girls weekend in Vegas, as my four girlfriends and I are all turning 30 within 2 months of each other.  Then one of them decided to get married this year, and between the bachelorette party and a wedding... it became clear that my dream of partying like a 21 year old would be delayed until the wedding reception, and would happen in Vermont and not Vegas. 

So I took a few months to regroup on how to celebrate my big day.  Maybe a trip to some exotic place like Iceland or Morocco?  I nixed that - too much time commitment from my friends.

Then I got to thinking... if not a big trip, why not do a bunch of little things to celebrate, and instead of one day or even a weekend, why not celebrate the days leading up to the "big day"?  I mean... you could get married multiple times, but you only turn 30 once.  Why not live it up?  

So... I've been working on a list.  A list of 30 things that I want to do before I turn 30.  And I'll set a timeframe - say 3 months (you see a theme emerging here?)  While the list is not yet final, I can tell you that some of the things are easily achievable in a few hours... and some will take much longer.  It all starts on April 7.  

Challenge?  Accepted.  GAME ON!!!  


  1. Yay, welcome to blogging! I can't wait to see what you come up with for your challenge. I was also excited about turning 30 (a few years ago) and saw this as an opportunity to do things I always wanted to do, but never made time for - I learned to swim, knit, and other stuff. Can't wait to watch how this unfolds for you!

    1. Thank you Amber!!! That's exactly my intention - to do things that I've always wanted to do, but haven't gotten around to yet. I'm still playing with the list of 30, but it's already getting me excited... I can't wait to begin!
